2023 FFV Four Job Fiesta Runs
Run #1
- 2023-06-02 — Going to try out a Meteor Run (basically Pure Chaos from ye olden days, I think)!
- 2023-06-18 — Trucking everything with !Black, with the exception of Garula, which I was losing the DPS battle against, so I just broke the Ice Rod I had and called it a day.
- 2023-06-18 — Thief!? Now I have to start paying attention to steals!? Well, that’ll be fun I guess.
- 2023-06-24 — Haven’t been at a computer to do updates, but Fire Job is..... FREELANCER. That’s three jobs now that I don’t think I’ve ever gotten in a Fiesta run before, so this one has been pretty interesting. I’m going to have to pay attention to equipment and steals even more now…
- 2023-06-27 — I can already feel having a Freelancer is going to make some stuff extremely easy. I can use a Death Sickle without having to put up with Berserker!
- 2023-06-27 — …of course I didn’t need it against Adamantoise anyway, with Blizzara available.
- 2023-06-28 — My Earth job is Berserker! What a mess of a party.
- 2023-07-04 — progressing on this run nicely, I’m up to Galuf’s World Drakenvale. didn’t grind much, because with only three jobs I don’t think I need to worry about how I’m going to max them, and I’m good on damage.
- 2023-07-04 — maybe this is only on PR, but !Mug with the Twin Lance tries to steal twice, that’s rad
- 2023-07-15 — up to W2 Exdeath on this save, this fight goes pretty well when you have !Black, and your Berserker happens to proc Dancing Dagger Sword Dance four times in a row…
- 2023-08-05 — Run’s over with a triple crown! No major updates through W3. Got a bunch of money, bought myself four Hermes Sandals and Coral Rings (which I didn’t use), made a fool of a lot of the game. See below for some specific notes on Omega and Shinryu, along with victory pictures.
Omega and Shinryu notes
For Omega, my strategy relied on the Berserker, zombiefied with a Reflect Ring, and the Freelancer, equipped with an Aegis Shield and Flame Ring, using Masamune to Haste the non-zombie party members. (The other two characters basically existed as heal bots and to do damage in the event they were alive at the right time.) The plan was to abuse the Targeting logic (which disables Omega’s counterattacks for a brief moment) and use that time to bounce Thundagas off of the zombie and get through Omega’s Reflect to hit its weakness. If everyone happened to be alive and hasted when Targeting hit, I could sometimes get six Thundagas off. Of course, this still relied on chance — Quake still killed me outright if Omega broke it out, so there were a lot of resets.
Shinryu… I should have taken better notes. Coral Rings, of course, and Berserking him to avoid all of the bullshit special abilities. I remember using the lamp to cast Golem, but I don’t remember it mattering. I think I used the Darkness Bow to inflict Blind and then just got lucky enough to not die while chipping away with the Chicken Knife? There were a lot of resets.

Run #2
- 2023-06-24 — Technically not a second run, I’m picking up my run from last year in parallel with this year’s official run. Figure I’ll start a second run and job fair the same jobs as penance (as long as I finish the first one…). It’s Ninja/Berserker/Bard/White Mage.
- 2023-06-24 — The save on my MiSTer is in the middle of grinding Object d’Arts in the basement.
- 2023-08-12 — Nothing of major event through the rest of world 2 and 3, and now Omega is down with the good old Love Song stunlock + Berseker strat. Also having White Mage made the Rune Axe crits an amazing combo. ezpz
- 2023-08-12 — Shinryu also down, Berserk + Blink abuse, hooray White Mage!
- 2023-08-12 — And with Hero Song buffs, (Neo-)Exdeath was a breeze. TRIPLE CROWN NUMBER 2, BABY!

Run #3
Did this one in the margins while on paternity leave. Not much to say, White Mage/Mystic Knight/Ninja/Chemist made everything pretty trivial. Three triple crowns this year!