The SNES is probably my favorite console, overall. I know that’s a very controversial thing for someone my age to say, but that’s just the kind of firebrand I am.
Starting from my childhood library, I’ve been amassing a large collection of SNES and SFC carts. I do this mostly for the sake of enjoying collecting, and appreciating the SNES library itself, and have a lot of the obvious stuff, and some real mid-to-high rarity gems, as well. No super-rare stuff, yet. I also need to confirm some things, but I seem to have a couple undumped revisions or other cart oddities, but nothing all that noteworthy.
Back in 2018 I took a pass at checking my collection, and I took a bunch of pictures in the process. I haven’t taken the time to photograph how much the collection has grown since then, but considering that as of 2021, I’m up to six bins rather than three…